Version 1.37b: Download
Uses Listview for a colored log.
Fixed the URL guessing code for favorites and scraps.
Bumped the submissions limit to 32768.
Added a "get gallery" option for unique users.
Known bugs:
Crashes when weird characters are in submission
title (non-ascii, can't save as file).
Version 1.36b: Download
Added an URL fixing option, enable it if you get lots of 404's.
Known bugs:
Crashes if there are more than 2048 submissions
to get.
Doesn't guess the right URL for favorites and scraps.
Version 1.35b: Download
Fixed the filename extension bug.
Known bugs:
Gives errors when trying to get some messy galleries
(know that some users have "backuped" galleries which are a
complete file mess, thanks FA staff !).
Version 1.34b: Download
Properly bypasses CloudFlare's non-browser block.
Known bugs:
When saving files with their original filename,
extensions were missing.
Version 1.33b: Download
Added folder structure options.
Favorites can now be downloaded in one common folder.
Base and favorites directory can now be chosen.
Waiting time is adjustable between 5 and 60 seconds. Defaults to 10s.
Known bugs:
None for now.
Version 1.32b: Download
Fixed the very frequent "error 5" when getting favorites.
Known bugs:
Special characters aren't still handled well (when
naming files from titles).
May stall when listing with slow connections.
Version 1.31b: Download
A few more bugfixes. No more errors with untitled submissions, no more
"ghost" users in the user list...
No more split files when exiting in the middle of a download. Files are
now created only when completly received.
Configuration file is saved each time a user is added/removed from the
user list.
Better file checking, skips downloaded files faster and reduces server
Files with 4 or more characters extensions are now handled properly.
Timeout for retrieving, automatic retry after 5 seconds.
About window.
Known bugs:
Special characters aren't still handled well (when
naming files from titles).
May stall when listing with slow connections.
Version 1.30b: Download
Fixed to work with the new cookie data.
Modified settings file handling.
Added auto-download favorites.
Added submission ranking filter.
Fixed data overflow bug (hopefully).
Fixed docx downloading.
Known bugs:
Same as 1.22b, not really a bug. Just a missing
Can stall in between download sometimes.
Stalls for sure when an inexisting username is in the sync list. Not hard
to fix, just make sure the names are right for now.
Special characters aren't handled well (when naming files from titles).
Prohibited characters for filenames are correctly filtered out.
Parameters and user list may be lost when exiting after an error.
Version 1.22b: Download
Checks for updates even if there was an error
at startup.
Fixed to work with the new data server's name.
Added a security message at startup.
New error dialogs simplifies bugreports.
Known bugs:
Same as 1.21b.
Even if a file is not completly downloaded, it is taken as "already
downloaded" and skipped. FAget only checks the filename.
The next version will check the file size and download it again if it
doesn't match.
Parsing keywords are hardcoded, that's not very good, but it works for
Version 1.21b: Download
Fixed the bad variable update with the logging information
that was causing wrong listings.
Gets mp3 files, and flash files without any (big) problems.
Added a submission type filter.
Known bugs:
FAget guesses the filenames from the thumbnail's URLs.
Some submissions somewhat end up in Dragoneer's folder, I can't understand
why and it's weird. This makes FAget fail and gives out lots of 404. The
next version will go check the submission's page to get the URLs right,
it might be a bit slower, but there won't be more 404's.
Auto shutdown might not work with Windows Vista. Anyways, I don't understand
why a computer running Vista should be on. Trolling done.
Not a bug: the removed usernames in the user list are kept as a blank
line. It goes away after restarting the program.
Not a bug: files are only differenciated by their name, not their actual
Might not correctly understand HTML special characters in titles.
Version 1.20b: Download
Luckily no more 400 and 404's.
Userlist and sync feature with auto-shutdown gets the job done while you
Three options for file naming.
Size limit can be used to filter heavy files.
Lots of rewritten code and bugfixes.
Known bugs:
Not a bug: the removed usernames in the user list are kept
as a blank line. It goes away after restarting the program.
Not a bug: files are only differenciated by their name, not their actual
Might not correctly understand HTML special characters in titles.
May give warnings or non-critical errors on flash submissions.
Version 1.12:
No more false 400 or 404's.
Timeout and retry of 20 seconds.
Known bugs:
May give some 404 errors on very old submissions (FA is
a pain in the ass).
May give warnings on text submissions.
Version 1.11:
Progress bars.
Auto check for updates.
Can save cookie data to faget.dat.
Lots of parsing and invalid characters bugs corrected.
Known bugs:
May give some 404 errors on very old submissions (FA is
a pain in the ass).
May say random things on vb6fr.dll and mswinsck.ocx.
Version 1.1:
Can retrieve scraps.
Can name files after the submission's title rather than FA's filename.
Ignores files with invalid names.
Tells you HTTP errors.
Retries after disconnection.
Known bugs:
May give some 404 errors on very old submissions (FA is
a pain in the ass).
May say random things on vb6fr.dll and mswinsck.ocx.
Version 1.01:
No more crashes on file handles.
Hopefully no more "40006 bad state" socket errors. Thanks Twile.
Added sckinst.bat to register mswinsck.ocx (if you have errors on startup)
Known bugs:
May crash or retrieve invalid files on filenames that contains
weird characters or dots.
May crash if FA is not responding (400 or 404's).
May say random things on vb6fr.dll and mswinsck.ocx.
Version 1.0:
Retrieves all PNG, JPEG, GIF and SWF file formats from
any user on
Accepts cookie information to retrieve "adult" rated submissions.
Known bugs:
May crash or retrieve invalid files on filenames that contains
weird characters or dots.
May crash if FA is not responding (400 or 404's).
May say random things on vb6fr.dll and mswinsck.ocx.
Often crashes on task restart. (40xxx errors).